Drug Distribution / Delivery/ Manufacturing

The potential penalties for drug offense substantially increase if a person manufacturers, delivers, or possesses with the intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance. The potential penalties increase even more depending on the type of controlled substance/drug possessed or delivered, and if the controlled substance/drug is manufactured, delivered, or possessed with the intent to manufacture or deliver within 1000 feet of a school zone or while the alleged offender possessed a firearm.
Drug delivery cases often involve the selling of drugs to cooperating individuals (C.I.'s) who are assisting law enforcement in the hopes of getting their own criminal charges reduced or dropped. Oftentimes, the C.I.'s assist in arranging drug deals between the suspected drug dealer and an undercover cop. Nebraska law requires that law enforcement comply with certain protocols when utilizing C.I.'s and conducting undercover drug distribution investigations.
Manufacturing and possession with intent to deliver/distribute cases often arise after law enforcement officers conduct searches of residences and vehicles pursuant to search warrants. Nebraska law requires that law enforcement comply with certain protocols when obtaining search warrant's and conducting searches pursuant to search warrants.
Common defenses to drug distribution/delivery/possession with the intent to deliver/manufacturing charges include: challenges to the legality of the search which lead to the discovery of the illegal drugs (including challenges to search warrants); challenges to the use of certain C.I.'s; challenges to law enforcement's failure to comply with the necessary protocols of drug delivery investigations; among other potential defenses.
The attorneys at Naylor and Rappl Law Office have defended countless drug delivery, manufacturing, and possession with the intent to deliver/distribute cases and are very familiar with the methods and techniques used by law enforcement when investigating these cases. Due to the life-altering legal consequences of a drug conviction, any person suspected of a drug crime should seek the assistance of a law firm which has the necessary legal background, knowledge, and experience it takes to successfully defend against drug charges. If you are under investigation for, or charged with a drug offense, do not hesitate to contact Naylor and Rappl Law Office so that our knowledgeable and experienced legal team can provide you the guidance and advise you need to face the criminal justice system.