
If convicted of a crime, a person may suffer the loss of civil liberties, including the right to vote and the right to possess firearms. Moreover, a criminal conviction may adversely affect a person's employment, education, and licensing opportunities. A pardon is an act of executive clemency or "forgiveness" for a crime and may restore civil rights that were lost due to a criminal conviction, including, but not limited to:
- The right to vote
- The right to possess firearms
- The right to be a juror
- The right to hold public office
- The right to be admitted into professional schools
- The right to take the Civil Service Examination
- The right to serve in the military
- The right to be issued a passport
- The right to hold certain licenses (Liquor, Public Health and Welfare Licenses)
- The right to hold certain employment licenses (ie teacher, doctor/nurse, attorney, beautician/barber, law enforcement, ect...)
- The right to government grants, loans, contracts, public housing, and educational
- The right to allow a person to apply for an ignition interlock permit after serving at
least 7 years of a 15 year driver's license revocation for a 3rd or subsequent DWI
The pardon process begins by submitting a pardon application. It is the usual practice in the granting of pardons to hear only those misdemeanor cases where 3 years has elapsed and those felony cases where 10 years has elapsed upon completion of the sentence, including any probation, supervised release, or parole term, with no further law enforcement contacts or court convictions within the waiting period. The Board may grant or deny any application, in whole or in part, without a hearing. If the Board determines that an application merits a hearing, the Board will schedule the application for a hearing at a quarterly meeting designated for hearings on applications. The Board holds public hearings usually in the months of March, June, September, and December.
If you are in need of assistance in completing a pardon application or would like an attorney to attend a pardon hearing with you, contact Naylor and Rappl Law Office. Our knowledgeable legal team can provide you the guidance and advise you need to properly handle the pardon process.